Q&A with Johnny Molina, Jr.


As we continue to grow the Corps, we've added some new instructors to the team. Late last year, Johnny Molina, Jr. joined the Crimson Kings as a drum instructor. He has marched with the Cadets of New York City and the Sprit of Newark. While he pursues a degree in music education at Lehman College, he's working hard at helping build a solid Crimson Kings drumline. Get to know him better with the following Q&A session. CK: Please describe your teaching style.

JM: I like to start off by having the drum line play 8 beats each hand. Afterwards we work on rudimentary things such as single and double Paradiddles, Flam, Flam Taps, Five Stroke Rolls, Seven stroke rolls and so on. Then we start working on the music for the ensemble.

CK: What goals are you setting for the drumline in 2012?

JM: My main goal for the Drum Line is to have them play together as clean as possible focusing on dynamics, tempo, and controlling their stick heights.

CK: What has been the most pleasant surprise so far working with the Crimson Kings?

JM: The most pleasant surprise, I would have to say, is how quickly the kids learn in this organization and how it feels like a family environment as well.

CK: What do you hope to bring to the Corps?

JM: I hope to help expand our Corps' membership and improving recognition beyond the tri-state area.

CK: What are the biggest challenges so far?

JM:So far the biggest challenge I have faced is time management amongst the students.

CK: What message would you like to say to the Corps? And what about the drumline?

JM: I would like to thank the Crimson Kings Drum, Fife, and Bugle Corps for giving me this opportunity to work with such great kids who enjoy playing music and entertaining others. As a message to the drum line, all I want for you guys is to practice and do not let your talent go to waste in the future, it can get you far if you put hard work and dedication into it.

CK: What is your favorite thing about the drum corps activity?

JM: I like all of the activities that the Drum Corps take part in, it is very entertaining and fun to participate with the kids and have a good time.

CK: If your students can take one thing away from being a part of a drum corps, what would you hope it to be?

JM: I would like my students to leave with the discipline of knowing how to respect other people for who they are and whatever talent they may have whether it be music, art, photography, etc.